APRIL 2021 |
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Property of the site
This site is the property of :
1, Rue de Terre Neuve
Mini Parc du Verger - Bâtiment E
91940 Les Ulis, FRANCE
Standart administratif, fournisseurs : +33 9 72 38 17 80
Standart Commercial : +33 9 72 52 70 03
Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS) with capital of € 200,000 - Siret 512 070 061 00035 - APE 2740Z - VAT Nr FR49 512070061
The site is edited by EFFILUX and hosted by OVH.
Hosting company :
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix
Tel : +33 9 72 10 10 07
Publication Managers : Arnaud MESTIVIER, Anouk CHAPARD
Site design and development : Jean HACQUES / Alexis CARLHIAN / Théau HERBIN
Site content
All components of this site (texts, photos, images, logos) are the property of EFFILUX or the companies expressly mentioned and which have authorised their publication. Certain photos stem from the image bank. Any reproduction of this content by any means whatsoever is prohibited, whether in part or as a whole, without EFFILUX's prior written consent, and would constitute a copyright infringement as set out in Articles L335-2 et seq of the Intellectual Property Code.
The images and texts on this site have no legally binding value.
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All trademarks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective authors.
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EFFILUX shall bear no liability for the hypertext links from this website to other Internet resources.
Protection of personal data and access right
The data sent will be used exclusively by EFFILUX.
EFFILUX undertakes not to sell, share or disclose your identifiable personal data to any third party.
In accordance with Articles 34 et seq of Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on computer data and individual liberties, you have the right to access, modify, rectify or delete information concerning you at any time.
To exercise that right, please contact :
EFFILUX - 1 Rue de Terre Neuve - Mini Parc du Verger - Bâtiment E - 91940 - Les Ulis - FRANCE
or send an e-mail to the following address : contact@effilux.fr
By completing this form, you give EFFILUX consent to collect and save your contact details in order to respond to requests for information and to the commercial relationship that may result from it.
What personal data does EFFILUX collect and for what processing?
EFFILUX is committed to:
What are the procedures for exercising the right to access and rectify or delete personal data?
In accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions, in particular the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms as amended and European regulation n ° 2016/679 / EU of April 27, 2016, EFFILUX employees, subcontractors and customers benefit from a right of access, rectification, portability, erasure of data or even limitation of processing. It is also possible, for legitimate reasons, to oppose the processing of data within the limits of the legal obligations imposed on EFFILUX and without this being able to infringe business secrets or intellectual property.
Excluding the right to complain to the CNIL and subject to the production of a valid proof of identity, exercise your rights by contacting EFFILUX who will provide an answer as soon as possible and no later than 2 months after receipt of Requirement.
mail: contact@effilux.fr
As provided for by the CNIL, EFFILUX is not required to respond to requests for the right of access if:
1, Rue de Terre Neuve - Mini Parc du Verger - Bâtiment E - 91940 Les Ulis, France